Nextracker에서는 Box에 로그인하기 위해 사용자의 네트워크 자격 증명을 사용합니다. 계속하려면 사용자의 네트워크를 통해 Box에 로그인하십시오.
Nextracker의 직원이 아닌 경우 계정으로 계속해서 로그인하십시오.
You should always store your working documents to a personal folder on Box so that the documents can be recovered in the event that your hard drive is no longer accessible. Locations on your hard drive such as your desktop, documents folder or any other locations outside of Box Sync/Box Drive are not backed up to Box by default so it is not safe to store anything there which is not temporary.
Lastly, employees are encouraged to collaborate only within the Nextracker company directories or private locations created by IT. Folders and files created outside of these places contribute to disorganization are not included in our backup system.